Hometown: Hightstown NJ
Education: BFA in acting from Montclair State University
What is a kiki?: A little tete a tete, makes you feel rejuvenated and better about life.
Tell us about Restoration Comedy: ResCom is this beautiful crazy celebration of life and love. It blends classic restoration style and themes with the modern in a fully immersive and dynamic way. It's sex and love and beauty.
Describe Restoration Comedy in 3 words: fashion, funny, f*cking
Who do you play in Restoration Comedy?: Fistula & Lady Lightfinger (both ladies are in Foppington's posse, although in my mind they are the same person.
What’s the most outrageous costume you wear in Restoration Comedy?: I love my Lady Lightfinger costume with the green wig, white face, sky high heels and cupcake dress, but the one everyone remarks on is the black skintight catsuit. I love it plus I have these amazing grey streaks in my hair and glasses. Part dominatrix part sexy librarian.
Which cast member is the naughtiest?: They're all a little naughty in their own way, so it'd be hard to pick. I mean that's why they're in this play to begin with.
Sexiest?: Steve Stout, but I'm biased cause he's my boyfriend.
Most likely to deceive?: I think everyone is deceiving themselves a bit and it's not until all the characters and honest about what thy want and who they are that things get resolved.
What is your signature dance move?: I don't do too much dancing as much as strike a pose and throw shade.
What Scissor Sisters song would best describe you?: I don't know if it describes me , but "Fire with Fire" is my favorite.
Why should we come see Restoration Comedy?: Its unlike any other theater experience happening in new York right now. The play is beautiful and funny and the characters real even in their most outrageous moments, You're not just coming to see a show. You're going to have a total experience and it'll be different for every person, but you'll be actively a part of an evening and a community if even just for a few hours. The costumes, music, drinks and food mixed with the interaction with actors and fellow audience members creates a really unique shared experience. And honestly it's just a lot of fun. The atmosphere of the evening really gives you license to just enjoy life and your time in the building with everyone. Theater like Ed Iskandar creates really doesn't happen anywhere else right now and I think it makes for a really special experience for actors and audience members alike.
Want more Cleo? Check out http://www.cleogray.com/
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