Sabtu, 26 April 2014

Spotlight On...Sarah Robotham

Name: Sarah Robotham

Norfolk, VA

Education: The Governor’s School for the Arts and Bennington College

Select Credits:
The Tempest (Antonia, The Virginia Stage Company), Twelfth Night (Olivia, The Workshop Theatre Group), Romeo and Juliet (Lady Capulet, The Workshop Theatre Group), Hamlet (Ophelia, The Workshop Theatre Group)

Why theater?:
I’ve loved to perform since I came out of the womb, but by the time I was 19 I needed a better reason to commit my life to it. I’ve studied a lot of different acting techniques, but it wasn’t until a Viewpoints class where everything came together. When we can humanize the most villainous person and make the audience identify with them, we can save the world. Every human being has the capacity somewhere in them to do terrible things, it is there motivation we must discover so that we can affectively understand them, and hopefully help them to make better choices.

Tell us about If the Saints Arrive in Germany:
If The Saints Arrive in Germany is one of those plays that just connects with everyone. No matter who you are, you have probably at some point questioned your faith. Each of the nuns is very distinct in the way she questions, and is a human being above her title.

What is it like being a part of If the Saints Arrive in Germany?:
It’s amazing being a part of this company! Each woman, in addition to being amazingly talented, is smart as hell and the discussions that have come up in rehearsal (both religious focused and otherwise) have been wonderful.

What kind of theater speaks to you? What or who inspires you as an artist?:
I love all types of theatre,  but I really love it when the physicality of the characters is really developed. Viewpoints makes a lot of sense to me as a tool for developing character and ensemble. I like theater where the blocking feels fresh and new each performance. (And I like to feel just a little scared). Artists I look up to are Meryl Streep (obviously), Laura Linney, Kate Winslet, and Jefferson Mays (if you haven’t seen him in A Gentlemen’s Guide to Love and Murder, go immediately!)

Any roles you’re dying to play?:
Nora in A Doll’s House; Kate in Taming of The Shrew

What’s your favorite showtune?: This is literally the hardest question ever! But at this moment it’s "Children Will Listen" from Into The Woods. (Really it’s the whole Into the Woods soundtrack).

If you could work with anyone you’ve yet to work with, who would it be?: Do they have to be living? If not than Vivian Leigh. If yes than Justin Kirk.

Who would play you in a movie about yourself and what would it be called?: Probably Emma Stone. (People tell me I look like her all the time.) Or Christina Ricci. It would be called "Seeing Pink".

What show have your recommended to your friend?:
"Downton Abbey"!!!!!, "House of Cards".

What’s the most played song on your iTunes?: "The Chain" by Ingrid Michaelson

What’s your biggest guilty pleasure?: I’ve seen "Center Stage" about 1,000 times

What’s up next?: I’m hoping to move into Manhattan in June and let’s hope a very lucrative tour is around the corner ;) Right now I’m just working a lot!

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